I shot this one in Manhattan in September 2000... I found it particularly funny...
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Notre-Dame II
second part of the instructions (see previous post). The least followed instruction is no flash photography.... it seems that point&shoot camera users don't have a clue on how to switch off the flash and also do not understand that a flash is just ruining the picture when shooting from a distance...
Notre-Dame I
instructions before you enter Notre-Dame (Cathedral) in Paris. This is just the first part.
No fire
don't use matches, don't smoke, basically no fire allowed - seen in a nature park in Belgium
feeding animals
Don't feed the animals - seen in a nature park in Belgium. The nimal in question here looks like a horse...
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Xmas
This is definitely not a sign... but given the circumstances...
Merry Christmas to everybody
Saturday, December 22, 2007
instructions to dry your hands. Found in a restaurant. Press the button and move your hands in the warm air.
Metro Gate in Paris
those signs are not 100% clear to me. They mean that if you have small children or luggage, they should pass the gate in front of you and not behind you (probably not to get injured when the gate closes)
Emergency stop
seen in France, instructions for the emergency stop: break the glass, THEN press the button ;-)
Walking on water
submitted by a French colleague, the sign says "forbidden to walk on the water"... and it looks very serious... all interpretations possible
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Paris Tickets
Here you can buy (give Euros and receive) tickets. This suggests that you could get a ticket for a coin...
Paris Trains
this is the way to the trains (on the left international, on the right double deck local trains)
Safety equipment
again at the entrance of a construction area. The text makes it clear... you HAVE to wear all the safety equipments. Protect your ears, your head, your eyes, secure yourself, wear a mask and safety shoes... can you still do your work ??
Work area
I don't know exactly what all those signs exactly mean. I found those at the entrance of a construction area in Hong Kong central
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
No boarding
self-explanatory (just read the text) - seen in most metro stations (underground) in Paris
No walking ?
this is a sign seen in Aachen, Germany. I don't know the exact message... end of "walking" area but why a woman with a child ?
Power cut Paris Metro
emergency switch to switch off the power of a metro station in Paris if somebody is falling on the track...
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Louvres visit
This is a small collection of signs you'll find at the ticket booth of the "Musee du Louvre" in Paris. You cannot carry any luggage, smoke, drink or eat. The interesting cultural aspect is that food is being represented by a French "baguette", the typical French bread.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Californian law
This is something you can see in hotels and restaurants in California. This is legal paranoia, to European eyes... the next step will be that tourists have to sign a document when entering the country to prove that they understand that by breathing they might inhale substances dangerous to their health.
This is in the parking lot of my favorite supermarket... first one is showing the entrance, the second one is saying: beware of the automatic door, the second row is self-explanatory...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Blind intersection
this is also a bit strange to me. This picture has been taken close to the golden gate bridge in SF. The text might be explicit but the pictogram is really unclear... it has to do with bicycles and pedestrians... for the rest...
this is a classical one in environments sensitive to electrostatic discharge (typically electronic components). The only strange thing here is that I don't find the pictogram very clear. You need to read the text to know what this is all about... and then what are you supposed to do ?
Monday, December 10, 2007
a very classical and international one... interesting thing, this was in Honk Kong, where all signs also have Chinese "subtitles". Here the "i" seems to have an international value...
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Prepare to stop
you see those very often in Canada.... never in Europe. These were in Gastown, Vancouver...
Road closed
It was obvious that the road was closed... but the signs were not that visible... seen in Vancouver.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Open door
This is Dutch, shot in Belgium by a colleague of mine. "This gate should always be closed! ... even if it's open ...".
Proposed by Jan Verbeke
Friday, December 7, 2007
Escalator instructions
Detailed instructions about how to deal with children, dogs and how to behave on an escalator. Seen at the Hong Kong airport.
Distant restrooms
This was somewhere in Yosemite, California... you shouldn't be in a hurry if you want to use the official amenities...
Closed Landscape
Nice landscape, in Whistler, BC, Canada. But do not enter.... too many hazards. You can look at the mountain but not have a walk... very strange compared to other countries like Switzerland among others.
something different from most of the other signs. I just posted this because I found it funny enough... seen in BC, Canada (in Barkerville, an old traditional village)
a "serious" one. Picture taken in the Butchard Gardens, in Victoria on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Lock out auto crime
This sign is clear enough. The "strange" thing about it was that it was located in a small town in BC, Canada, where the crime level is probably among the lowest in North America.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Beware of pedestrians
This could be valid everywhere. This was at a place where nobody driving a car could see it... in Kowloon
simple and clear, taxis and busses. The original thing here is that there is a specific sign for double deck busses... typical in Hong Kong, an English heritage.